Tengkawang factory in full production

The tengkawang factory in Tembak is operating full throttle again, in order to process the tengkawang nuts from three different regions close the the factory, namely Tempunak (where the factory is located), Belimbing and Sepauk.

It looks like the factory will process about twice the amount of nuts compared to the last time there was a tengkawang season in the region, in August / September 2014.

This is mainly possible through improvement of the buying process, the drying system and because the factory workers are currently working in three shifts to keep the factory operational around the clock. The nuts can only be stored for about 6 weeks maximum, once they are dried.

sun drying the Tengkawang nuts

Another difference with last season is that the factory only buys sun-dried nuts. This has several benefits. It allows all farmers who have tengkawang trees to dry the nuts on their own, so they will get a better price. Formerly, the farmers used to sell the nuts to middleman, who would then dry the nuts in especially built wood fired drying ovens. Many farmers are not capable of making investments for such ovens. Another advantage of drying the nuts in the sun is that it prevents the fat from getting a smoky note. The new and improved drying system, which amongst others uses the waste-heat from the exhaust gasses from the generator, is used to dry the sun dried nuts a bit further before they are pressed in the oil presses.

Tengkawang fat (more commonly known as illipe butter) has many health benefits. It is mostly known for it’s long-lasting moisturizing and skin softening properties, which restores skin flexibility and elasticity and prevents ageing of the skin and development of wrinkles. The fat is also used to heal sores, mouth ulcers and dry and damaged hair, and it protects against UV-A and UV-B rays. Therefore it is found in products promoting sun protection and relieving sun burn.

the Tengkawang factory in full throttle

The composition of illipe butter is very similar to cocoa butter, but with a slightly higher melting point, yet still melts in contact with the skin, making it ideal for use in bar soaps, lip and body balms, creams, lotions, face masks, make up foundations, hair conditioners, sunscreens, lip sticks and other stick type applications where a higher melting point is desired.

For more information about illipe butter and sales, please contact us at: dj.oudshoorn@masarang.company.