This year, PT Gunung Hijau Masarang was selected as one of the best companies to receive the SIDDHAKARYA productivity award 2016 for small and medium companies in the province of North Sulawesi. PT Gunung Hijau Masarang competed with all medium and small companies in North Sulawesi and 6 of them were selected to be the recipient candidates for the SIDDHAKARYA award.
The event was organized by the Department of Manpower & Transmigration of North Sulawesi province and the awards were presented by the Governor of the North Sulawesi Province. The SIDDHARKARYA productivity award is intended for small and medium sized companies judged to have reached a fairly high level of productivity and good competitiveness.
The event is held every two years in even-numbered years. The award ceremony was held on October 14, 2016 at the Sahid Hotel in Manado and was attended by the Director General of Productivity of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Indonesia (Mrs. Estianti Hariani), Assistant Two of Governance and Public Welfare (Mr. Sanny Parengkuan) representing the Governor of North Sulawesi who was unable to attend, the Head of the Department of Manpower & Transmigration North Sulawesi Province (Mr. Marthen Senduk) as well as members of other governments and the all representatives of six small and medium companies selected, 3 small companies; UD. Independent from Southeast Minahasa, UD. Love (Christine Klapertaart) from Manado, UD. Trikora from Manado and three medium companies; PT. Gunung Hijau Masarang from Tomohon, PT. Coco from South Minahasa Prima and PT. Multifood from Manado.
The representatives of the management and employees of PT Gunung Hijau Masarang who attended the award ceremony were Mrs. Priskilla Reo (Head of Admin & Finance), Mr Fanny Palar (Head of Production Dept. of Masarang Sugar Factory), Mr. Hanny Pontoh (Quality Control Officer), Mrs. Yunita Moningka (Administration) & Ms. Selina Wowiling (Sales Support).
The event was organized by the Department of Manpower and Transmigration of North Sulawesi province with the aim to provide appreciation and motivation for all small and medium enterprises in the whole province of North Sulawesi.
Also according to the Director General of Productivity Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Estianti Hariani in her speech, she said that events like this are a form of government attention to the entire existing small and medium enterprises at the provincial level, in this case the province of North Sulawesi. By providing a facilitator and auditor, the Department of Manpower and Transmigration (of the North Sulawesi province) hopes to increase the productivity of all the small and medium enterprises and to increase the welfare of workers in these companies, and by doing so to have an impact on economic growth of a the region and even nationally. By using this event as well, it is also hoped that small and medium companies will be stimulated to evaluate and improve themselves because they can measure their level of productivity and competitiveness towards other companies.
the 5S program
In this event, the Department of Manpower and Transmigration Provincial Level also provides socialization, training and auditing of the 5S Program (Sisih, Susun, Sasap, Sosoh, Suluh) which is recommended to be applied in the enterprise / business.
5S was first discovered by citizens of Japanese nationals.
The original terms, namely; Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke.
1. Seiri / sisih:整理 (seiri), Brief, an activity to get rid of all the items in the work site that are not needed.
2. Seiton / susun: 整頓 (Seiton), Neat, everything must be placed in a proper and ready to use place.
3. Seiso / Sasap:清楚 (Seiso), Rehearsal, cleaning equipment and work areas are maintained in a good condition.
4. Seiketsu / sosoh: 清潔 (Seiketsu), Rawat, about personal hygiene while complying with the previous three stages.
5. Shitsuke / suluh: 躾 け (Shitsuke), Diligent, about the maintenance of discipline of each individual employee in performing all phases of 5S.
Each company that received the SHIDDAKARYA award was asked to choose one work location in its company to be a model of the 5S program (before and after the 5S program application). The Administration Team of the Masarang Palm Sugar Factory chose the administrative space as a model 5S program to be presented in the SHIDDAKARYA award ceremony. The presentation was delivered by Ms. Priskila Reo, Head of the Admin & Finance departement of PT Gunung Hijau Masarang.