On Thursday 10 August 2017, the Sugar Factory in Tomohon got a Special Guest. RINI SOEMARNO, is the Minister of SOE in Indonesia. The Minister of SOE came to factory with a group consisting of Comissioner of PERTAMINA Mr.Sahala, Deputy of Agro Industry and Pharmaceutical Enterprises Ministry of SOEs Mr. Wahyu Kuncoro, General Manager Pertamina Geothermal Area Lahendong Mr.Salvius Patangke and all their staff.

picture on the left Minister Mrs.Rini Soemarno (exactly in the middle) with some Factory Employees.

The purpose of their visit is to see the only Factory in the world that processes palm sugar. The SOE Indonesia plans to set up a sugar factory from coconut in Bitung North Sulawesi. Therefore this visit is the First stage of their consultation about establishing a sugar factory.

picture on the left Minister visiting Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Lahendong.

The 30 minute visit included how the brine from Pertamina was flown to the Factory to become fuel for sugar processing, how to cook sugar, pack it and get it ready for export. There was a lot of enthusiasm with the visitors to see the Factory and all its processes.

Much enthusiasm for the palm tree

Something interesting happened during this visit. Throughout the conversation we were no longer talking about the coconut sugar factory they wanted to establish, but they became very interested in Palm trees. And they assured us that this will not be their last visit. Consultation will continue after this.

At the end Mrs.Rini Soemarno said that Indonesian government is ready to support export activities from our Sugar Factory.

Priskila Reo, Tomohon staff, the 15th of August

Visiting the sugar factory