Masarang Foundation starts cooperation with Credit Union Keling Kumang in West Kalimantan

Credit Union Keling Kumang is a micro-credit type bank based in Sintang and founded by local Dayaks.

They have grown rapidly over the last 10 years and are now the second largest Credit Union bank in Indonesia, with over 160.000 members and 62 branch offices throughout the West Kalimantan province.

The goal of the cooperation is to work together in the rollout of the sugar palm program. The first joined activity will be to build a palm sugar production unit in a village called Benua Martinus, which is located close to the Malaysian border, in the northeast part of the province. There are already thousands of producing sugar palms in that region. Masarang will share their knowledge how to build a cost and fuel-efficient production facility and how to set up a nursery for sugar palm seedlings. If the operation turns out to be successful, Credit Union Keling Kumang will be able to motivate many farmers in West Kalimantan to start planting sugar palms in their forests as well as a solid source of income.

Enrolling the sugar palm program

Materials for the new to build factory.

Credit Union Keling Kumang will return more than half of their profits back to the community, i.e. through developing more income sources for the farmers, and scholarships for students. The construction of the new production facility has started in January 2016. We look forward to a successful cooperation!